Today, my mom, friends and I traveled to the Taunton Office of Congressman Barney Frank, which is located in the Jones Building. We found this office is fully wheelchair accessible, as are his Newton and New Bedford offices in the 4th Congressional District.

Many parking spaces are conveniently located in a parking lot right next door. Entry into the building is easy for there is a sloped cement walkway leading to the entry door and the entry door is plenty wide enough to fit my chair through. Congressman Barney Frank’s office is located on the 3rd floor and access is easy for there is an elevator to take you up to the 3rd floor. We checked out the restroom and found it is wheelchair accessible and fully ADA compliant. Entry into Congressman Frank’s office is easy for the door is kept wide open during business hours.

We were warmly greeted by Karen Harraghy, District Representative. Karen treated me with kindness, respect and dignity which I always appreciate. The office is spacious and easy to maneuver my wheelchair around.

As we all know, Congressman Barney Frank is very busy trying to help resolve our world’s financial crisis, yet he still found the time to meet with me today and that really impresses me! I feel fortunate to have a Congressman who takes the time to listen to his constituent’s concerns.My meeting with Congressman Barney Frank today was to discuss the high injury risk that wheelchair passengers face and how our State and Federal Government can help to improve transportation safety for all wheelchair users. My meeting went very well. Congressman Barney Frank is very caring, devoted and kind and he assured me that he will file legislation and do all he can to ensure the safety of all American wheelchair passengers.

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I give Congressman Barney Frank, Karen Harraghy (District Representative), Marcus Rose (Legislative Assistant) and Mark Ranslem, (Scheduler) for Congressman Barney Frank FIVE STARS for helping to make our world not only more sensitive, respectful and accessible to all but also SAFER for all wheelchair passengers.