A few weeks ago, when my Aunt Nancy, Tony, Kate and I toured Jenny Grist Mill in Plymouth, we noticed people fishing across the street at Jenny Pond. Well, today my Aunt, Tony, Justin and I headed to Jenny Pond to try our luck fishing and found it wheelchair accessible. Jenny Grist Mill and Jenny Pond are part of the Pilgrim Trail.

Parking is free in a large parking lot accross from Jenny Grist Mill; there are many handicap parking spaces. Access from the parking lot to Jenny Pond is a path of very small pebbles/sand. I found it easy to wheel along.

Located where Town Brook meets Spring Lane, Jenny Pond is home to the gristmill that played an important role in Pilgrim society. The pond itself is named after John Jenny who built the Pilgrims the first gristmill in 1636. The original gristmill was destroyed by fire in 1847. Today in its place is a replica of the original gristmill that was built in 1970.

Most of the park runs along the pond where the edges are rocky going downhill into the water, with there being no barrier in any location to protect a person in wheelchair, a child or baby stroller from falling into the water. It’s a natural setting yet it would be nice if there was small area somewhere around the pond with a lip of some sort to ensure no accident occurred. We ended up fishing from the sidewalk in the parking lot for it was the safest because here is a short wooden barrier. I was able to fish here with no fear of wheeling into the pond from here.

READ:  Heritage State Park

Although, again we did not catch any fish, I still enjoyed having a peaceful time fishing here. Jenny Pond is home for a large variety of birds and wildlife. While here I saw beautiful swans with their baby ducklings.

It was such a nice site to see especially when Tony tried saying hello to the ducklings, the parent swans began to hiss at him for getting too close. LOL!!! There were also many kinds of ducks, birds and mallards that I saw when I was here.

The picnic table in the park by Jenny Pond is fully wheelchair accessible because it has an extension on the end to fit a wheelchair. It is just like the picnic table at Old Silver Beach yet older.

I give Jenny Pond FOUR STARS for wheelchair accessibility. In oder to earn the Fifth Star they would need to build a short lip in a small section in the park around the edge of the pond where the public can gather which would protect children, wheelchairs and strollers from going over the edge; similar to the one in this picture at the pond in Slater Memorial Park in Pawtucket, RI.