I went to the South Dennis Post Office and I found it very wheelchair accessible. The only thing I found wrong with it is that there are not automatic entry doors and one service counter is too high for someone in a wheelchair. The handicapped parking space is very close to the front door and the parking space is wide enough so that I could back my chair out of the van without worrying about hitting cars behind me. The ramp is at a perfect angle for my wheelchair.

There are not automatic entry doors which would make it a lot easier for a person in a wheelchair to enter independently. If I did not have someone with me to help open the doors then I would not be able to get into the Post Office. It would be physically impossible for me to get in. There was only one door that opened into the post office and my friend had to hold the door open for me.

The service counter where I would go to write out my mail was at a perfect height for someone with a wheelchair. The customer service checkout counter is of a perfect height as well. This counter is especially important for it is the counter where you complete all of your postal transactions i.e. purchasing stamps, mailing letters, mailing packages etc.

READ:  Quincy U.S. Post Office

There is one service counter that I could not get to at all because of the height is just too tall for me to reach. The high counter was off to the side and no one was over at it when I was here. The lighting in the post office is also very good for someone who is visually impaired.

I give the South Dennis Post Office FOUR STARS for wheelchair accessibility. They can earn the Fifth Star if they installed automatic entry doors and lowered the service counter that was too high.