After visiting the Lincoln Memorial, my friends and I went to see the Washington Monument. The Washington Monument was built in honor of George Washington, our first President who led the country to independence. It is a National Park and part of National Mall and Memorial Parks and it is fully wheelchair accessible.

The Washington Monument is the centre attraction on the Mall between the U.S. Capitol and the Lincoln Memorial. We took the Metro to the Smithsonian stop. This stop is the best stop to view all the attractions located at the lower end of the Mall.

Just be prepared to wheel some distance; averaging approximately a 45 minute wheel. Depending on your preference, a power wheelchair may be the best choice if you have one. I took my manual wheelchair to Washington DC on this trip because my friends thought it would be safer due to the enormous crowds.

The Washington Monument has wide paved walkways all around which leads to the entrance. The area was so crowded on Monday since it was the day before the Presidential Inauguration. Many more people were here as compared to my trip in June of 2007.

Admission to the Washington Monument is free. I did not go all the way to the top of the Washington Monument to look out of the window on this visit due to the crowds. I did meet some very nice soldiers here on this day. I based this wheelchair accessible review of what I saw from the outside. The monument is very tall and if you go to the top you can see views thirty miles away.

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I give The Washington Memorial FIVE STARS for wheelchair accessibility. This Monument is an historic part of our country and I feel privileged to have been able to see it again.