Wednesday, Saint Patrick’s Day my mom, Amanda, Ric and I, dressed in our green headed to the Irish Cultural Centre of New England for an Irish lunch. I’ve always enjoyed celebrating St. Patrick’s’ Day. My mom’s all Irish and my dad’s all Polish and I’m PROUD to be half Irish. I was really impressed by their large campus which is open and accessible to all.

Tucked away in the back of an Industrial Center (ICCNE) in Canton is the Irish Cultural Centre of New England. Once you drive under the tall green Welcoming Arches the first thing you see is a little Irish Cottage built by the Center. Further past this Irish Cottage is a large parking lot located in front of the large campus. Here we saw an American and Irish flag hanging high. We parked in one of the five handicap accessible parking spaces which are right in front of the walkway leading to the campus & main building.

Once out of our van we accessed the campus of the ICCNE via a wooden bridge crosswalk which is accessible and very wide. We were all amazed by the large size of this Irish campus. Off to both sides are athletic fields where games of soccer, rugby and other team sports are played. The seating area for the athletic field is very wheelchair accessible; it has a wheelchair accessible ramp which leads to the first row of the stands where fans in wheelchairs can sit and have a great view of a game.

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Located on the side of the main building is a large patio area that can be covered with a large tent for special events. Located here is an outdoor snack bar with a counter of a perfect accessible height. Off to the side is a playground; we couldn’t figure out how to access it, yet from a distance it appeared to be wheelchair accessible.

As soon as we approached the main entrance of the Center’s main building, a kind Irish man held the doors wide open for us. The entry doors are not automatic so you may need help opening the doors. Once inside I found the center is spacious and fully wheelchair accessible! Located on a bulletin board are announcements of upcoming events. Check out their website listed above to find out about all future events.

Brochures of information are set on a table of a good accessible height; here we learned that the mission of the Irish Cultural Centre of New England (ICCNE), founded in 1989 is to promote and organize Irish cultural, educational, sporting and social events.

The Irish pub has plenty of tables which are all of a good height; a large screen TV on the wall is easy to view. An Irish soccer game was being watched by other patrons. The bar is not wheelchair accessible for it is too high for my chair; yet it didn’t prevent me from trying a glass of good Irish Beer. My friend Ric and Amanda didn’t have a beer yet posed for this picture acting to be 2 Irishmen enjoying an Irish bew:-)

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The main function room had a Saint Patrick’s Day buffet with all home cooked Irish food consisting of corn beef, cabbage, boiled potatoes, turnips and carrots all for a cost of $10. All the tables are of a good accessible height for my chair; the stage where Irish performers play music is easily within my view. I really enjoyed seeing all the quaint paintings of Ireland hung on the wall.

The restrooms are spacious, wheelchair accessible and fully ADA compliant. The accessible sink is of a good height; I could easily reach the faucet and soap; and the paper towel dispenser is set lower and easily within my reach.

I highly recommend a visit to the Irish Cultural Centre of New England to get a taste of true Irish Culture.

I hope everyone had a fantastic Saint Patrick’s Day!

Overall I was really pleased with the wheelchair accessibility of the Irish Cultural Centre of New England which I believe deserves FOUR STARS for wheelchair accessibility. In order to earn the Fifth Star they would need to install automatic entry doors so a visitor in a wheelchair can enter and exit independently; and lower a section of the pub’s bar to a wheelchair accessible height so a visitor in a wheelchair can enjoy a good Irish brew at the bar.