While shopping at Mashpee Mall my mom, Ric, Justin, Josh and I went to Pottery Barn to buy some new bath towels for my home. It’s been 3 ½ years that I’ve lived in my new community home and time to buy some new bath towels which I use every day. I love the quality of Pottery Barn bath towels because the towels are soft, fluffy, absorbent, and last a long time. While shopping here I found Pottery Barn is only partially wheelchair accessible.

There are plenty of handicap parking spaces located in the Mashpee Commons parking lot close to the entrance of Pottery Barn. The double entry doors are not automatic so Justin held the door open while Ric pushed my manual chair inside. Once inside I found it difficult to pass by some of the home furniture on display because most of it is cluttered too close together. A kind saleswoman assisted us and moved some of the furniture so I could wheel towards the rear of the store where the towels are on display.

While wheeling through the store, I saw a lot of wonderful home goods and products for sale. I loved the desk which is of a great wheelchair accessible height as well as the cool old fashioned telephone placed on top of the desk. We also saw some great Halloween decor of rats, crows and bats which will make your home festive this Halloween season. We finally reached the section of the towels and found the color I wanted for my bathroom and had no problem reaching the towels on display.

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After finding the towels I needed, Ric and I went to the Men’s room which is located off a small side hallway. Wheeling to the Men’s room is difficult because there are stored items blocking access; Ric moved some of the items so I could enter the restroom. Once inside I found the single restroom is spacious, wheelchair accessible and fully ADA compliant.

We then headed to the cashier counter located in front of the store and were disappointed to find this cashier counter is NOT wheelchair accessible for it is too high for me to reach. My mom paid for my new bath towels and mentioned to the saleswoman that a section of the cashier counter should be lowered so a customer in a wheelchair can independently pay for their merchandise.

I give the Pottery Barn at Mashpee Commons THREE STARS for wheelchair accessibility. In order to earn the other Two Stars they would need to install an automatic entry door so a customer in a wheelchair can enter and exit independently; space the furniture on display further apart so a customer in a wheelchair can wheel throughout the store; clear the aisle in the hallway leading to the restroom; and lower the cashier counter to a wheelchair accessible height so a customer in a wheelchair can complete their sales transaction independently.

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