All of us in wheelchairs understand the importance of having a good dependable Health Care/Rehab company who helps us choose the best medical equipment that meet our needs and also one we can rely on for repairs when needed. In the past 20 years, I’ve had many medical equipment companies who have really disappointed me for they have not taken the time to order equipment that is good for me and have been unreliable and taken forever to order parts or make repairs. There were times I couldn’t even get in touch these other companies at all for some went out of business or changed their name. When the companies didn’t return my phone call about a needed repair it really disrupted my life because without my chair I was stuck. I won’t mention the names of these companies but I know others who had similar problems.

I’ve finally found a great company for all my medical equipment and wheelchair needs. It is Hudson Home Health Care/ Rehab Equipment! A good friend told me that they were the best and now after using them for more than a year, I agree and would highly recommend them to all my friends. Bryan Rinaldi, Certified Rehab Technology Specialist and Licensed OTA is the person I deal with most. Bryan is also an OTA and really has proven to me that he cares about my comfort, safety and health and makes sure I get the proper fitted equipment that I need.

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If I have a problem with my equipment I call the Hudson office in Franklin and either Christina Rinaldi, Rehab Administrative Assistant or Susan Houston, Branch Operations Supervisor always answer the phone right away and always find me the help I need. Bryan, Christina and Susan are all very friendly and courteous. They are always very quick to respond and quick to get the any repairs done or order needed parts. Knowing that any needed repairs will get done promptly is really important for those of us that are in a wheelchairs. If not for our wheelchairs we are bed ridden and this is really depressing as I’m sure you can imagine or have experienced for yourself.

There was one instance last June that I had a trip planned to Washington DC. The day before my trip my electric wheelchair had some major problems and when I called Brain from Hudson he and a tech came right over to fix my chair immediately. If this had not happened I would have missed my planned vacation. Thanks to Brain from Hudson my wheelchair was repaired and ready to go and I made my trip and had a fantastic time too.

I also got my Iowa Standing Frame from Hudson as well as my Tilt and Space Wheelchair and seat cushion and most of my other home medical equipment. Bryan always delivered them personally and made sure I was comfortable and it was perfect for me and always trained my caregivers on the new equipment. I am very thankful for Brain and the folks at Hudson for their expertise, professionalism, compassion, understanding and quick responses. They are always great and have always given me great service which is prompt and courteous and respectful. I highly recommend Hudson for your medical equipment needs.

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I give Hudson, Bryan, Christina and Susan FIVE STARS for being so caring and always doing a fantastic job!